Ostrich Awards

Not everyone who delivers a story is a journalist.

Let me explain by giving a contrasting example.

In Chattanooga, Chip Chapman is a favorite Weatherman for WDEF TV (Channel 12).  Most seem to agree that he is very good at delivering the forecast, but because he never formally studied in this particular field, he cannot be called a meteorologist, but simply “weatherman”.  It doesn’t hinder his ability to tell his community whether an umbrella or sunglasses are the order of the day.

It is a bit different for the news.  It seems anyone who writes an article these days will be thought of as a journalist, whether they’ve dug for a story, delivered facts, or merely regurgitated pre-packaged opinion.

Because of this, the Town Cryer has appointed itself the media “bologna alarm”.  When we come across articles or news clips that are obviously ignoring facts or misrepresenting them, we share it with the public.  We believe it’s time to hold news companies responsible for telling the truth and calling them out when they fail.

Personally, I’ve decided to take it one step further.  Beginning the next episode of Town Cryer, I will award the reporters/agencies with the most blatant cases of ignoring facts with the Town Cryer “Ostrich Award”, for excellence in burying their head in the sand and ignoring facts while avoiding digging up further information.  I also ask that you nominate offenders for the award by sharing them here, or tweeting links to them with the hash tags #TownCryer and #Ostrich.

Not everyone who delivers a story is a journalist.

Just sayin’…

Col. Jack
( @ColonelJack )